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20th Biennial ACSI Conference Programme - Borders and Beyond / Les frontières et au-delà
Prix de la Délégation générale du Québec à Londres, printemps 2021

À l'occasion du Colloque biennal de l'Association irlandaise d'études canadiennes, la Délégation générale du Québec à Londres accorde à un(e) universitaire ou à un(e) étudiant(e) en maîtrise ou en doctorat, domicilié(e) en Irlande, un prix d'un montant de 1500 €, à utiliser dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche (voyage de recherche et / ou participation à un colloque et / ou publication).
Le prix est destiné à récompenser et à encourager la recherche dans le domaine des études québécoises au sens large, comprenant les disciplines linguistiques et littéraires, ainsi que les sciences sociales (sociologie, histoire, sciences économiques etc.). Les thèmes contemporains (accent sur les problématiques actuelles) sont encouragés.
Les candidatures, comportant une lettre de présentation, un curriculum vitæ et une description du projet (500 mots), doivent parvenir au Président de l'Association, Niall Majury (, avant le 26 avril 2021. La lettre de présentation doit préciser comment la bourse sera utilisée. Ces documents peuvent être rédigés en anglais ou en français.
Les candidatures seront évaluées par un comité formé de membres du bureau exécutif de l'association. Le/la lauréat(e) devra être membre de l'ACSI (s'il / si elle ne l'est pas déjà) et remettre un rapport au Président de l'Association, avec copie à la Délégation générale du Québec à Londres, après l'achèvement de son projet. Il / elle sera également invité(e) à présenter ses travaux lors du colloque ou de la journée d'études de l'Association. Les candidat(e)s doivent être rattaché(e)s à une institution basée en Irlande.
Le nom du lauréat/ de la lauréate sera annoncé à l'occasion du Colloque de l'Association irlandaise d'études canadiennes à l'Université Queen's de Belfast (en ligne cette année), du 13 au 14 mai 2021.

Prix de la Délégation générale du Québec à Londres, Spring, 2021

On the occasion of ACSI's biennial conference, the Québec Government Office in London awards academic staff or postgraduate students, resident on the island of Ireland, one prize of 1500 €. The bursary is intended to assist with research costs and may be used for the purpose of travel and / or conference attendance and / or publication.
The award is meant to recognize and promote research in any area of Québec studies, including linguistics and literature, as well as social sciences (sociology, history, economics, etc…). Contemporary themes (with a focus on current issues) are encouraged.
Applicants are invited to submit a covering letter, a brief research proposal (500 words) and a CV before April 26th, 2021. Please send all applications to Niall Majury (ACSI president) at the following email address: Applicants should outline how they intend to spend the bursary in their covering letter. Applications may be written in either English or French.
The applications will be assessed by members of the Executive Committee of ACSI. As a condition of these awards, we ask that successful recipients become (if not already) a member of ACSI and submit a short report following the completion of the project to the President of the Association, with a copy to the Québec Government Office in London. They will also be asked to present their research at either our biennial conference or one of our one-day symposiums. Please note that being based at an institution on the island of Ireland is a requirement.
The award will be announced at ACSI's biennial conference which is being hosted online this year by Queen's University Belfast May 13th and 14th, 2021.
***Conference registration is Now Open
20th Biennial Conference (ACSI)***

Conference Registration for the 20th Biennial ACSI Conference - Borders and Beyond / Les frontières et au-delà
is now open. The online registration form is available by clicking here here.

Call for Papers
Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Irish Studies
University of Saskatchewan — to be held virtually
22–24 June 2021


This is the call for papers for the annual conference of the Canadian Association for Irish Studies which will take place from 22–24 June 2021. It will be convened by Jerry White of the University of Saskatchewan and it will take place entirely online, via MS Teams.

All papers should be 20 minutes. Deadline for submissions is Monday 15 February 2021. Please send a maximum 250-word abstract, along with a very short bio, to CAIS.2021@USask.Ca.

Further information available in English, French, Irish.

The Canadian Association for Irish Studies/L'association canadienne pour etudes irlandaises (CAIS/ACEI) has been serving students of Irish culture for over thirty years, seeking to foster and encourage the study of Irish culture in Canada. It also works to encourage young scholars and develop the next generation of Irish studies enthusiasts as well as support discussion of current issues in Irish studies and culture through conferences, publications, and online resources.
CAIS brings together all those who are committed to the promotion of Irish culture in Canada. Members of CAIS can be found in every province and territory of Canada. Members also come from Ireland, Northern Ireland, Britain, the United States, Europe, Asia, and Australasia.
Every year, we convene at one of Canada's universities for a celebration of Irish culture and heritage. At these conferences, we meet poets, scholars, musicians, actors, novelists--all in a spirit of inquiry and conviviality.

Quebec Past & Present
9th Colloquium on Quebec Studies
Call for Papers


This is the call for papers for the 9th Colloquium on Quebec Studies to be held at Bishop’s University on March 12 – 13, 2021. The title and overarching theme of the conference is: Quebec Past and Present. We invite researchers, academics and students from all disciplines in humanities and social sciences to contribute to this international and multidisciplinary conference. We are most interested in contributions from history, sociology, political science, public policy, linguistics, education, health, art and architecture. Paper proposals will be accepted from undergraduate/graduate students and faculty from all universities. We especially encourage faculty to identify and encourage talented students to submit a proposal for consideration.

The aim of this colloquium is to provide a forum, where the participants can share their research knowledge and ideas on Quebec’s past, its recent trends, and map out the directions for its future. The colloquium will result in the publication of select edited scholarly essays in the Journal of Eastern Townships Studies (JETS). Proposals must present original research and essays must not have been previously published. Please note that publication preference will be given to papers that clearly demonstrate the relevance of their research to Quebec’s Eastern Townships.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, send your abstract (max. 300 words) and CV before January 18, 2021. Please submit your proposal to

This initiative is being sponsored by Bishop’s University, the Eastern Townships Resource Centre, SUNY Plattsburgh, the United States Department of Education and the Québec Ministry of International Relations and la Francophonie.

All submissions will be examined and individuals will be contacted no later than February 10, 2021 regarding their submission. For further information click here.

'From far and wide': Cultures, memories and identities in Canada
Call For Papers

In collaboration with the Canadian Studies Centre at Aarhus University, the Nordic Association for Canadian Studies (NACS) invites submissions for papers for the thirteenth Nordic international, cross-disciplinary Canadian Studies conference planned for 11-13 August 2021 in Aarhus, Denmark. The theme of the conference – 'From far and wide' – should be understood very broadly and can be taken literally or metaphorically. Our aim is to bring together scholars studying Canada at all career stages. Our association operates across the five Nordic countries, but we welcome paper proposals from anyone working on Canada in the Nordic countries, elsewhere in Europe, in North America and anywhere in the world. You can find further details about the call for papers here:

The deadline for proposals is 30th November 2020.
Call for Applications / Appel à candidatures

International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS/CIEC) Awards International Council for Canadian Studies, Ottawa, ON/Canada
Prix du Conseil international d'études canadiennes (CIEC) Conseil international d'études canadiennes, Ottawa, ON Canada

The Governor General's International Award for Canadian Studies is intended for a scholar who has made an outstanding contribution to scholarship and to the development of Canadian Studies internationally. The prize is awarded this year to an individual having essentially had a Canadian Studies career in another country. Nominations must be submitted to ICCS President, Munroe Eagles,, no later than November 24, 2020.

Le Prix international du Gouverneur général pour les études canadiennes est destiné à un universitaire qui a apporté une contribution exceptionnelle à la recherche et au développement des études canadiennes à l'échelle internationale. Le prix est décerné cette année à une personne ayant essentiellement fait une carrière en études canadiennes dans un autre pays. Les candidatures doivent être soumises au Président de la CIEC Munroe Eagles,, est au plus tard le 24 novembre 2020.

The Pierre Savard Awards are designed to recognize and promote each year outstanding scholarly monographs, written by members of the Canadian Studies international network, that contribute to a better understanding of Canada. There are two categories: Book written in French or English and Book written in a language other than French or English. The deadline for submitting applications to ICCS President Munroe Eagles,, is November 24, 2020.

Les prix Pierre Savard visent à reconnaître et à promouvoir chaque année des monographies savantes exceptionnelles, rédigées par des membres du réseau international d'études canadiennes, qui contribuent à une meilleure compréhension du Canada. Il existe deux catégories: Livre rédigé en français ou anglais et Livre rédigé dans une langue autre que le français ou l'anglais. Les candidatures doivent être soumises au Président de la CIEC Munroe Eagles,, est au plus tard le 24 novembre 2020.

The Brian Long Best Doctoral Thesis in Canadian Studies Award is designed to recognize and promote each year an outstanding PhD thesis on a Canadian topic, written by a member (or one of his/her students) of a Canadian Studies Association or Associate Member, and which contributes to a better understanding of Canada. The deadline for submitting applications to Munroe Eagles ( is November 24, 2020.

Le prix Brian Long de la meilleure thèse de doctorat en études canadiennes est conçu pour reconnaître et promouvoir chaque année une thèse de doctorat exceptionnelle sur un sujet canadien, rédigée par un membre (ou l'un de ses étudiants) d'une Association d'études canadiennes ou d'un membre associé, et ce qui contribue à une meilleure compréhension du Canada. Les candidatures doivent être soumises au Président de la CIEC Munroe Eagles,, est au plus tard le 24 novembre 2020.

The International Council for Canadian Studies bestows annually an international award of merit as a means to recognize the contribution of individuals to the development of Canadian Studies in Canada and abroad. In most instances, the awards recognize institutional and organizational work.
The deadline to submit a nomination is (March 1, 2021).
Nominations should be sent to ICCS President, Munroe Eagles:

Chaque année, le Conseil international d’études canadiennes (CIEC) décerne des Certificats de mérite à des personnes qui ont contribué de façon marquante au développement des études canadiennes, au Canada ou à l’étranger. Le plus souvent, les certificats sont attribués pour souligner un apport de type institutionnel ou organisationnel.
La date limite de la soumission des dossiers est : (le 1er mars 2021).
Les candidatures doivent être envoyées au président de la CIEC, Munroe Eagles:
Pierre Savard Award
Congratulations Professor Raymond Blake
Where Once They Stood awarded Pierre Savard Award by the International Council of Canada Studies

The Association for Canadian Studies in Ireland would like to congratulate the outgoing Craig Dobbin Chair in Canadian Studies at UCD, Professor Raymond Blake and his co-author Melvin Baker for their success in being awarded the Pierre Savard Award for their pioneering work 'Where Once They Stood'. The book was nominated for the award by the Association.

The Pierre Savard Awards are designed to recognize and promote each year outstanding scholarly monographs on a Canadian topic. The awards form part of a strategy that is aimed at promoting, especially throughout the Canadian academic community, works that have been written by members of the Canadian Studies international network. The awards are intended to designate exceptional books, which, being based on a Canadian topic, contribute to a better understanding of Canada.

Where Once They Stood challenges popular notions that those who voted against Confederation in 1869 and for union in 1948 were uninformed and gullible. Raymond Blake and Melvin Baker demonstrate that voters fully understood the issues at stake in both cases, and women became instrumental in determining the final outcome, voting for Canada in 1948, believing it provided the best opportunities for their children.
Call for papers for the 22nd issue of Nouvelles vues :
revue sur les pratiques, les théories et l'histoire du cinéma au Québec

Just announced call for papers for a special issue of the journal Nouvelles vues : revue sur les pratiques, les théories et l'histoire du cinéma au Québec, on the topic of Intercultural Encounters, prepared by Karine Bertrand (Queen's University) and Mercédès Baillargeon (University of Maryland). Please note that you may submit a proposal in either English or French, and that the deadline to submit an abstract is September 15, 2020. Full details of the call are available in English and French.
Where Once They Stood: Newfoundland's Rocky Road to Canada
Raymond Blake and Melvin Baker (Authors)

Where Once They Stood challenges popular notions that those who voted against Confederation in 1869 and for union in 1948 were uninformed and gullible. Raymond Blake and Melvin Baker demonstrate that voters fully understood the issues at stake in both cases, and women became instrumental in determining the final outcome, voting for Canada in 1948, believing it provided the best opportunities for their children.

Publisher: University of Regina Press
Format: Softcover
Published: March 2019
Pages: 416
ISBN: 9780889776197
Price: $34.95
Web Address:
***20th Biennial Conference (ACSI) Postponed***

Given shared concerns over everyone's health and welfare associated with the outbreak of COVID 19, we regret to inform that ACSI's conference this May (14th to 16th) has had to be postponed. Further announcements about rescheduling the Conference will be made in due course.

Please address any general queries to Dr Niall Majury, ACSI Council Member / 2020 Conference Organiser, email -
or Mr John Maher, ACSI President, email -
UCD Centre for Canadian Studies & the Craig Dobbin Chair Present
Canadian Studies Seminar Series 2020

"Why do we dismiss voters as Incompetent when they disagree with us? Canada, Newfoundland, and Confederation, 1867-1949"
Craig Dobbin Professor Raymond Blake
University of Regina, Canada
Wednesday, March 4, K114, Newman Building, 4.30 PM.
***Conference registration is Now Open
20th Biennial Conference (ACSI)***

Conference Registration is now open and the registration form is available by clicking here here.

Click here for the Conference poster.

20th Biennial Conference of the Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland (ACSI)

Click here for the Call for papers in English and click here for Francais.

20th Biennial Conference of the Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland (ACSI)
14th - 16th May 2020
Queen's University Belfast

Call for Papers:
Borders and Beyond / Les frontières et au-delà

Please address any general queries to Dr Niall Majury, ACSI Council Member / 2020 Conference Organiser, email -
or Mr John Maher, ACSI President, email -
We welcome submissions in French or English and the deadline for proposals is Friday 31st January, 2020.
Call for Contributions
Minorities in Canada – Intercultural Investigations

The Canada Center of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary is happy to announce the call for contributions for a volume of studies entitled Minorities in Canada – Intercultural Investigations to be published in the L'Harmattan-KRE Series.
The Board of Editors welcomes submissions exploring various aspects of the subject of the volume including citizenship, policy-making, law, diversity, immigration, migration, identity, bilingualism, multilingualism, multiculturalism, transculturation, history, literature, education, religion, art, art history, ethnography, indigenous perspectives, interpersonal relations, youth, aging, women, health care, business, economy, and environmental issues.
As a first step, those interested in the publication opportunity will be expected to submit a 250-word abstract of their proposed contribution in English or French to by January 31, 2020. The Board of Editors, in turn, will evaluate the submitted abstracts by February 15, 2020, and those gaining approval will have to be turned into a full-length paper by April 15, 2020.
Ideally, final (full-length) contributions should be between 30,000-45,000 n (15-20 pages). We kindly ask tentative authors to refer to the authorial guidelines here.
The Editorial Board
Strengthening links between the Association internationale des études québécoises and ACSI

Professor Michael Brophy, School of Languages and Literatures, University College Dublin and member of the ACSI Executive Committee recently visited the HQ of the Association internationale des études québécoises in Quebec city. Professor Brophy is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Association.

Pictured with Chantal Houdet, Directrice Générale de l'Association.

For further information on the Association internationale des études québécoises, please visit
Lettres au frère Marie-Victorin: Correspondance sur la sexualité humaine
Présentées par Craig Moyes et Yves Gingras

Edited and presented by Craig Moyes (KCL/CQFCS) and Yves Gingras (UQÀM), these letters are part of a secret correspondance on human sexuality between a young botanist and educator, Marcelle Gauvreau, and her scientific mentor and collaborator, Brother Marie-Victorin. Marie-Victorin is perhaps the most important Canadian botanist of the 20th century, best known as the founder of the Montreal Botanical gardens and as author of La Flore laurentienne (1935), which, now in its third edition, is still the standard reference work on the flora of Québec. His letters to Gauvreau on the topic of human sexuality were published in 2018, also by Boréal. The present volume completes the picture, and throws valuable light on Gauvreau's own thoughts on sexuality, both as a profoundly religious unmarried woman in Québec in the 1930s and 40s, and as a rare female scientist in a world of men.

Editor's blurb: Outre son amour profond et imprégné de respect pour celui que Marcelle Gauvreau appelle son « directeur spirituel », amour qu'on pouvait déjà déceler dans les lettres du botaniste, on découvre dans ces Lettres au frère Marie-Victorin une femme enjouée, profondément religieuse, à l'esprit très rationnel, qui apprend à découvrir son corps et à décrire précisément ses expériences sexuelles. […] Ces longues lettres biologiques présentent un regard à la fois studieux et sensible sur les relations humaines que le lecteur découvrira avec étonnement.

Publisher: Boréal
Format: Softcover
Published: September 2019
Pages: 288
ISBN: 978-2-7646-2592-7
Price: $29.95
Web Address:
Toronto, The Belfast of Canada: The Orange Order and The Shaping of Municipal Culture
William J. Smyth (Author)

Internationally regarded as one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world, modern Toronto projects an image of ethnic diversity, neighbourhood harmony and global connectedness in the Arts, commerce and service industries. It was not always so. Throughout the first one hundred and fifty years of its existence Toronto was an introspective British colonial city in which Ulster Protestant migrants established a strong grip on municipal politics and culture; defining its social, organizational and ideological structures in terms that that were decidedly reminiscent of Ulster’s primate city, Belfast. In both cities the Orange Order exerted an excluding grip on city hall politics and street culture alike, defining social acceptance and political imperatives in similar tones. An analysis of hundreds of Lodge records, identification of the ethnic, religious and social backgrounds of thousands of orangemen and a detailed analysis of municipal politics in the period 1840 – 1950 are employed to support the contention that the contemporary term, the Belfast of Canada, was indeed an appropriate descriptor for the emerging colonial city.

Publisher: University of Toronto Press
Format: Softcover
Published: 2015
Pages: 328
ISBN: 9781442614680
Price: $24.71
Web Address:
From Ulster to Canada: The Life and Times of Wilson Benson 1821-1911
Cecil J. Houston and William J. Smyth (Authors)

Throughout the first half of the nineteenth century Irish migrants, and particularly those of an Ulster background, dominated the transatlantic flow of immigrants to Canada. In the quarter century before the famine hundreds of thousands men and women sought new opportunities amid the forested and partially cleared landscape of Ontario. Access to land, much of it free, pulled a cohort of willing migrants from an Ireland where agricultural possibilities were severely limited and where, in Ulster, the domestic linen industry appeared on the point of collapse. A rich literature derived mostly from macro analyses, has established the broad thrust of this migration history. The current work, reveals a nuanced view of the migration and settlement processes through the eyes of an individual, Armagh-born Wilson Benson. His autobiography is a rich exercise in memory work. Apprenticed as a handloom weaver and a youthful participant in seasonal migration to Scotland, Benson, following the example of neighbours, sailed from Belfast for Canada in 1840. His memoir details life on the frontier throughout the next three decades. Archival research by the authors expands the narrative beyond that period to document his later years in rural Ontario which, by then, had transcended its immigrant phase to exude a more stable and conservative social ethos.

This publication was completed a few months before the untimely death of Cecil Houston and is the final scholarly contribution of the Houston-Smyth writing and research partnership, 1973-2015.

Publisher: Ulster Historical Foundation
Format: Softcover
Published: 2015
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781909556331
Price: £11.99

Web Address:
Landscapes and Landmarks of Canada: Real, Imagined, (Re)Viewed
Edited by Maeve Conrick, Munroe Eagles, Jane Koustas, and Caitríona Ní Chasaide

The image of the “land” is an ongoing trope in conceptions of Canada—from the national anthem and the flag to the symbols on coins—the land and nature remain linked to the Canadian sense of belonging and to the image of the nation abroad. Linguistic landscapes reflect the multi-faceted identities and cultural richness of the nations. Earlier portrayals of the land focused on unspoiled landscape, depicted in the paintings of the Group of Seven, for example. Contemporary notions of identity, belonging, and citizenship are established, contested, and legitimized within sites and institutions of public culture, heritage, and representation that reflect integration with the land, transforming landscape into landmarks. The Highway of Heroes originating at Canadian Forces Base Trenton in Ontario and Grosse Île and the Irish Memorial National Historic Site in Québec are examples of landmarks that transform landscape into a built environment that endeavours to respect the land while using it as a site to commemorate, celebrate, and promote Canadian identity. Similarly in literature and the arts, the creation of the built environment and the interaction among those who share it is a recurrent theme.

This collection includes essays by Canadian and international scholars whose engagement with the theme stems from their disciplinary perspectives as well as from their personal and professional experience—rooted, at least partially, in their own sense of national identity and in their relationship to Canada.

Publisher: Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Format: Softcover
Published: March 2017
Pages: 296
ISBN: 9781771122016
Price: $27.99
Web Address:
Minority Languages, National Languages, and Official Language Policies
Edited by Gillian Lane-Mercier, Denise Merkle and Jane M. Koustas

In a context where linguistic and cultural diversity is characterized by ever-increasing complexity, adopting official multilingual policies to correct a country's ethno-linguistic, socio-economic, and symbolic imbalances presents many obstacles, but the greatest challenge is implementing them effectively. To what degree and in what ways have official multilingualism and multiculturalism policies actually succeeded in attaining their goals?
Questioning and challenging foundational concepts, Minority Languages, National Languages, and Official Language Policies highlights the extent to which governments and international bodies are unable to manage complex linguistic and cultural diversity on an effective and sustained basis. This volume examines the principles, theory, intentions, and outcomes of official policies of multilingualism at the city, regional, and national levels through a series of international case studies. The eleven chapters - most focusing on lesser-known geopolitical contexts and languages - bring to the fore the many paradoxes that underlie the concept of diversity, lived experiences of and attitudes toward linguistic and cultural diversity, and the official multilingual policies designed to legally enhance, protect, or constrain otherness.
An authoritative source of new and updated information, offering fresh interpretations and analyses of evolving sociolinguistic and political phenomena in today's global world, Minority Languages, National Languages, and Official Language Policies demonstrates how language policies often fail to deal appropriately or adequately with the issues they are designed to solve.
Includes the chapter "International Models of Language Policy and Language Planning: Official Bilingualism in Ireland and Sociolinguistic Reality" by Professor Maeve Conrick.

Publisher: McGill-Queen's University Press
Format: Softcover
Published: December 2018
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9780773554948
Price: $37.95

Web Address:
New Work on Immigration and Identity

"New Work on Immigration and Identity", a 2016 thematic issue of CLCweb guest-edited by Dervila Cooke, brings together articles on contemporary writing (poetry, drama, fiction and children’s literature) across France, Québec and Ireland. It also includes a piece on current debates on interculturalism in Québec and an overview of postcolonial literature in France. It provides a substantial introduction. comparing societal and literary contexts in all three societies. It appends a 450-item thematic bibliography, mainly since 2000, focusing on key books and a number of seminal articles.

Click here for access:

All articles of the journal are freely accessible online.
Shaped by Silence: Stories from Inmates of the Good Shepherd Laundries and Reformatories
Rie Croll (Author)

Shaped by Silence brings together the powerful stories of five women from Ireland, Canada, and Australia whose lives were shaped by forced confinement in Magdalene laundries and other institutions operated by the Roman Catholic Order of Sisters of the Good Shepherd. Their narratives include one teenager’s experience in a Good Shepherd training school in Canada; another story of a child who was born in a Canadian Good Shepherd laundry; and three accounts of adolescent girls held in Good Shepherd Magdalene laundries in Ireland and Australia. In these institutions, women and girls became a coerced workforce. Hard, unpaid and relentless physical toil, isolation, enforced silence, and prayer constituted the nuns’ strategy for converting their “fallen” charges into the Christian image of pure womanhood. Within this regime, girls and women suffered physical, psychological, and emotional abuse. While intimately capturing the dark and enduring after-effects of ill-treatment, the stories recounted in Shaped by Silence also describe survivors’ efforts to heal and rebuild their lives. This important book shines a light on a pervasive and systemic pattern of cruelty and exploitation. It reveals the unwarranted confinement of generations of girls and women in Good Shepherd institutions around the world and constitutes a call for full acknowledgement of their suffering.

Publisher: ISER Books
Format: Softcover
Published: May 2019
Pages: 288
ISBN: 978-1-894725-53-8
Price: $29.95
Web Address:
Prestigious James M Flaherty Scholarship Awarded to Dr Julie Rodgers

Dr Julie Rodgers, French Studies, SMLLC has been awarded a prestigious Flaherty scholarship for her research on Indigenous Quebec Women Writers. The award will facilitate a research trip to Quebec where Dr Rodgers will be hosted by the Université de Sherbrooke.

James Kelly, CEO of ICUF, says that "the Ireland Canada University Foundation is delighted to be providing Dr Julie Rodgers with this award. Our mission is to support the development of academic and cultural links between Canada and Ireland, and Dr Rodgers' research provides a wonderful opportunity to further this mission in a fascinating area of research. Further info on our awards can be found on our website"

Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland - Membership form 2019/2020

We are always delighted to welcome new members. You can download the ACSI membership form for 2019/2020 by clicking on the link here. Further information regarding membership can be obtained from contacting our Treasurer Edward Murphy, by email

CFP Vulnerable Times: Exposure and Agency in Canadian Literature

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of a major international peer-reviewed journal Guest edited by Eva Darias-Beautell (Universidad de La Laguna).

This special issue calls for articles that investigate the relation between vulnerability and agency in Canadian literature. The very notion of Canadianness has been traditionally associated with certain forms of vulnerability, be they historical, geographical, cultural, or ecological. At the same time, many Canadian texts seem to engage with modes of exposure that, in their radical openness, may produce complex and often unexpected spaces of responsiveness, both within the creative work and between the text and the reader.

All submissions must be original, unpublished work and should follow the SAGE Harvard Reference Style and the general style guide attached to this CFP. Articles should be between 6000 and 7000 words, including endnotes and works cited. Submissions should be sent by email as an attached word file to the guest editor Eva Darias-Beautell ( by the deadline of December 20, 2019. All articles will go through the journal’s peer review process.

For further information click here

Association for Canadian Studies in German-speaking Countries

The Association for Canadian Studies in German-speaking Countries (Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien in den deutschsprachigen Ländern / GKS) focusing mainly on coordinating Canada-related academic activities in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
GKS pursues its objectives especially by
  • sponsoring and supporting Canadian Studies in the broadest sense
  • national as well as international multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary cooperation
  • intensifying the academic and cultural relations between Canada and the German-speaking countries
Website - click here:
Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien (ZKS) is a peer‐reviewed journal edited by the Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries. Founded in 1981, it is published once a year. ZKS features contributions from a wide range of disciplines, including linguistics, history, literary and cultural studies, the social sciences, geography, and others, and it does so in either German, French, or English. This journal may be a suitable outlet for members of ACSI with respect to their research and scholarship.
Journal - click here:
Dr Michel Martiny

The death has taken place of Michel Martiny, former President (1989-91) and founder member of ACSI (1982). Holder of a Doctorat de 3e Cycle, completed at the Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Michel was subsequently appointed as Lecturer in the Department of French at University College Cork. At UCC, he was a widely respected lecturer in 18th century literature and a wide range of French language and literature courses. Michel was an accomplished, inspirational and devoted university teacher, who was very much appreciated by his students. As a colleague he was extremely generous, always ready to encourage and assist.

During his career, Michel developed a strong interest in Canadian francophone literature, an area which would come to dominate his research and teaching. In that regard he played a pioneering role at a time when the teaching of French literature was largely confined to the literature of France. Among his specialist interests were the Acadian author Antonine Maillet and the Franco-Manitoban author Gabrielle Roy.

Michel played a leading role in the establishment and promotion of Canadian Studies in Ireland, including as one of the founders of ACSI and as an early President of the Association. He organised many memorable Canadian Studies conferences, which sparked an interest in Canada in a wide range of colleagues and students.

Michel is survived by his wife Lisbeth, his son Erik and daughter Annika.
International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS) hosts its AGM in Ottawa - June 2019

Professor Stewart Gill, President -ICCS and John Maher, President - ACSI
The ICCS meeting took place at the Lord Elgin Hotel on 8th June and was attended by Association presidents from five continents. Countries and alliances thus represented were US, UK, France, Italy, Japan, German speaking countries, Australian and NZ, Nordic counties, China, the Netherlands, India, Israel, Russia, Brazil, Venezuela, Korea, Mexico, Argentina, Central Europe, Poland and Paraguay. The President of ICCS, Prof Stewart Gill, (University of Melbourne) and Treasurer, Prof Jane Koustas (Brock University) dealt with the executive matters during the meeting while a number of observers were also present. Prof Munroe Eagles (University of Buffalo) now succeeds Prof Gill. Participants were appreciative of the professional support given to the Association by Cristina Frias in her secretariat role. They also acknowledged the financial support of the Canadian Government in making this meeting possible and inclusive. The meeting considered the direction of Canadian Studies and the resources available to it for this purpose.

In his presidential report, Prof Gill commended to the scholarly community the examination of what Canadian Studies could or should be, today and tomorrow. He urged us to map this on a conceptual and strategic blank canvas in a manner which could enjoy renewed support from all our stakeholders, with educationalists and researchers particularly important in this context. The Association publishes a journal, the International Journal of Canadian studies, and we were invited to support the journal in two ways: by promoting it as a scholarly platform for research dissemination and secondly, as subscribers, either on an institutional basis or individually.

In the afternoon presentations with respect to framing and delivering Canadian Studies programmes were made by Peter Thompson (Carleton University) Norie Yazu (Kanda University), Oriana Palusci (University of Naples), Katalin Kurtosi (University of Szeged) and Tatyana Kuzmina . These were reflected on and discussed under the moderation of Reneé Hulan (St Mary's University) and Andrea Beverley (Mount Allison University).

The formal proceedings were later followed by the Governor General's award for Canadian Studies to Prof Emerita Ursula Mathis-Moser of the University of Innsbruck. Le Prix international du Gouverneur général en études canadiennes / Governor General's International Award for Canadian Studies 2019. Link to Programme: here.

Other awards made by the ICCS included the dissertation award to Dr Antoine Burgard (Universités de Lyon et Québec) , the book award in French or English to Dr Benjamin Authers ( Flinders University) and the book award in a third language to Isteván János Molná (Hungary). Certificates of merit were also given to Signe Katz (Israel), Anna Reczynska, (Poland) and Kevin Spooner (Canada). Dr Authers book is titled A Culture of Rights - Law Literature and Canada, and is published by University of Toronto Press. Prof Susan Hodgett a previous president of the ICCS, launched the book titled Necessary Travel, New Area Studies and Canada in Comparative Perspective. It is co-edited by Dr Hodgett and Dr Patrick James and published by Lexington Books. She has taken a chair in this field at the University of East Anglia.

This gathering in Ottawa provided several benefits both of an individual and a collective nature:
  • the network was renewed
  • the alignment of mission, management, method, money, and memory was critically analysed
  • good practice was made visible
  • achievements were honoured and celebrated
  • an emerging platform for institutional design and collective effort in the Canadian Studies domain was articulated
  • channels of communication were established
  • domain specific publications were promoted
Those present will return invigorated to their home association, with fresh insights and an enhanced spirit of inquiry and teaching.

Attendees at the ICCS AGM and proceedings at the Lord Elgin Hotel, Ottawa
European Summer School in Canadian Studies (ESSCS 2020)

Dates: June 29 – July 10, 2020
Vienna – Innsbruck (Austria)

Link to Programme:

Synopsis The current political constellation in North America has brought Canada diplomatically closer to the European Union and asks for a better reciprocal understanding of the two partners with regard to cultural, political, and economic issues. The European Summer School in Canadian Studies is the first of its kind to meet these new demands and to support aspiring students and young researchers in building international networks. It addresses the multidisciplinary field of Canadian Studies, aiming to bring students from various countries in Europe and beyond together to strengthen the dialogue between the many disciplines that make up Canadian Studies: literary and cultural studies, indigenous studies, media studies, linguistics, history, cultural geography, political sciences, sociology, gender studies, and economics. It offers high-potential MA/MEd and PhD students in the Humanities and Social Sciences critical perspectives on national myths and stereotypes.

Certificate in Canadian Studies
The programme is compatible with various MA/MEd curricula and PhD programmes. Upon completion, participants receive a certificate (5 ECTS, 125 hours workload total, including preparatory readings, course work and portfolio).

Target Group
MA/MEd students and emerging scholars (PhD) interested in Canadian or North American Studies.

Application Requirements
Please submit the following documents to
  • motivational letter in English or French (1 page)
  • copy of official certificate of BA/BEd or MA/MEd degree
  • proof of language competence in English and/or French (certificates, transcript or records, etc.)

Registration Deadline: 15 February 2020
The number of participants is limited.
Text/Sound/Performance: Making in Canadian Space 25-27 April 2019, University College Dublin
Report by Gregory Betts, Craig Dobbin Chair of Canadian Studies

Collage of images from “The Echo” readings at the National Library, with readers Donato Mancini, Jordan Abel,
Liz Howard, Anne Simpson, Jane Munroe, Eilean ni Culeenan, and Christian Bok.

The Text/Sound/Performance: Making in Canadian Space conference highlighted the mandate of the Craig Dobbin Foundation to promote collaborations and exchange between Canadian and Irish scholars and writers. The three-day T/S/P conference featured a diverse array of cutting-edge Canadian and Indigenous writers, academics, and performers. It was paired with a partner conference for primarily Irish writers and professors called “The Writer’s Voice”, co-organized by the Craig Dobbin Chair and Paul Perry of the Associated Writing Programmes of Ireland. These two events shared keynote presentations, receptions, and evening events, creating an important nexus for exchange and collaboration. All told, there were 122 presentations at T/S/P and 35 presentations at The Writer’s Voice, bringing approximately 150 writers and professors into a combined conversation. Furthermore, 35 non-presenting panel chairs were drawn from the Irish literary and academic communities. Needless to say, it was a robust, multifarious conversation that emerged across a rich myriad of fields, including new forms of textuality, new models of performance, sonic and digital spaces, decolonization, pedagogy, and archival practices. Christian Bok delivered a keynote address on examples of “scale,” encouraging artists to think beyond the page. D’bi.young Anitafrika delivered a keynote on the theme of antiracism, encouraging artists to create more empathetic cultural space. Other highlights include performances by The Sila Singers (Inuit throat-singers), SlapBang (Irish musicians), readings by seven Griffin Poetry Prize winners (Canadian, Indigenous, and Irish), and a keynote by address by Joshua Whitehead on different conceptions of Indigeneity. Poetry Ireland also hosted a “marathon” evening reading of 50 Canadian, Indigenous, and Irish poets that was both uproarious and great fun.

Emily Murphy and Katherine Macleod perform the history of flamenco in Canada
Supporters and Partner organizations for the conference included the Spoken Web Project (the largest contributor to the event), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Craig Dobbin Foundation, the College of Arts and Humanities at University College Dublin, Brock University, The School of English, Drama, and Film at University College Dublin, the Humanities Research Institute at Brock University, Poetry Ireland, the National Library of Ireland, the James Joyce Library, the National Folklore Collection, and the Association of Writing Programmes in Ireland.

Irish novelist and Head of Subject for Creative Writing at UCD, Paul Perry, has described it as a “generational event, totally unprecedented.”

Julie Morrissy, Christodoulos Makris, and Gregory Betts perform their collaborative poetry at “Riverrun” at Poetry Ireland.
La littérature appelle au désordre / Literature calls to disorder - talk by Clara Dupuis-Morency at UCD

As part of the Irish-Franco Literary Festival 2019, Women / Mná / Femmes,
the Quebec author Clara Dupuis-Morency will visit UCD and give a talk entitled:
La littérature appelle au désordre / Literature calls to disorder
Thursday 4 April, 4 pm
UCD School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics
Newman D301

Click here for further information.
ACSI Bursaries for Academic Staff and Postgraduate Students Announcement

ACSI is pleased to announce the call for a number of bursaries for Academic staff and Postgraduate Students
working in the area of Canadian Studies within the island of Ireland.

For 2019, these bursaries will be: 2 academic staff bursaries at €1,500 (one research and one teaching) and 1 postgraduate bursary at €1,000 (research)
The bursaries are intended to assist with research or course preparation costs. They may be used for the purpose of conference attendance, travel, publication and the development of teaching courses, providing that there is a direct link to Canadian Studies.

Applicants are invited to submit their applications to Mr John Maher, ACSI President, email - before 5pm Irish time on 29th March 2019.
Applications may be submitted in either English or French.

Click here for further information on the ACSI Bursaries in English and here for further information on the ACSI Bursaries in French.
Text, Sound, Performance: Making in Canadian Space: Conference

In April 2019, scholars, students, writers, and community partners will gather in Dublin, Ireland for a three-day conference
on the theme of TEXT/SOUND/PERFORMANCE: Making in Canadian Space.
There will be a keynote address and masterclass workshop on each of the three pillars of the conference,
alongside academic and creative panels, roundtables, and performances.
Conference website:
Celebrating the 1866 Newfoundland to Valentia inaugural Trans-Atlantic telegraph message


Further information on the Valentia Transatlantic Cable Station available by clicking here.

Photos from the 19th Biennial Conference of the Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland (ACSI)
- taken by George Goulding

Mr John Coleman, Agent-General for Québec; Clr. John Cummins, Deputy Mayor of Waterford City & County Council;
Dr Julie Rodgers, President of ACSI and NUI Maynooth

Mr John Coleman, Agent-General for Québec; Clr. John Cummins, Deputy Mayor of Waterford City & County Council;
Mr. John Maher, Treasurer of ACSI and Waterford Institute of Technology

Mr John Coleman, Agent-General for Québec awards Dr. Egle Kackute with the Quebec Government Prize Lecturer Bursary Award for 2018

Mr John Coleman, Agent-General for Québec awards Peadar Kearney with the Quebec Government Prize Student Bursary 2018

Mr John Coleman, Agent-General for Québec; Dr Julie Rodgers, President of ACSI and NUI Maynooth; Clr. John Cummins Deputy Mayor of Waterford City & County Council; Peadar Kearney, Quebec Government Prize Student Bursary 2018; Dr. Eglie Kackute, Quebec Government Prize Lecturer Bursary 2018; John Maher, Waterford Institute of Technology

Mr John Coleman, Agent-General for Québec addressing the Canadian Re-Generations Conference Delegation at a reception in Waterford City Hall

Dr Dervila Cooke, ACSI and Dublin City University; Mr. John Maher, Treasurer of ACSI and Waterford Institute of Technology

Canadian Re-Generations Conference Waterford Keynote Speakers Dr. Leonard Wade Locke, Professor of Economics at Memorial University of Newfoundland; Professor Maeve Conrick, UCD Canadian French Studies; Professor Marc Andre Fortin, Université de Sherbrooke Québec, Canada

Professor Raymond Blake, University of Regina,Saskatchewan, Canada & Wanda Blake, University of Regina,Saskatchewan, Canada;
Senator Grace O'Sullivan, Waterford; John Maher, Waterford Institute of Technology

Dr Julie Rodgers, President of ACSI and NUI Maynooth with Peadar Kearney, Quebec Government Prize Student Bursary 2018

Dr Julie Rodgers, President of ACSI and NUI Maynooth with Prize Winner Dr Helen Roe, Queens University Belfast

Peadar Kearney, Quebec Government Prize Student Bursary 2018; Dr Julie Rodgers, President of ACSI and NUI Maynooth;
David Parris, ACSI and Trinity College Dublin

Dr Riana O’Dwyer, Secretary of ACSI and NUI Galway; John Maher, Treasurer of ACSI and Waterford Institute of Technology;
Dr Julie Rodgers, President of ACSI and NUI Maynooth

Professor Rachel Killick, Meritus Professor of Quebec Studies; David Parris, Trinity College Dublin; Dr. Richard Hayes, Vice President of Strategic Planning WIT; Professor Marc Andre Fortin, Université de Sherbrooke Québec, Canada

Professor Maeve Conrick, ACSI and UCD Canadian French Studies; Jennifer Bolger, WIT Library; Kieran Cronin, WIT Library;
Dr. Tom O'Toole, Head of School of Business Waterford Institute of Technology

Rosemary Locke, Newfoundland; Dr. Felicity Kelliher, School of Business Waterford Institute of Technology;
Dr. Leonard Wade Locke, Professor of Economics at Memorial University of Newfoundland
ACSI 19th Biennial Conference 2018 - Finalised Programme Including Venues

Click here to download the conference programme for the forthcoming 19th Biennial Conference of ACSI to be held at
Waterford Institute of Technology from 26-28 April 2018.

Map available from here
ACSI 19th Biennial Conference 2018 - Registration Form

Click here to download the Registration Form for the forthcoming 19th Biennial Conference of ACSI to be held at
Waterford Institute of Technology from 26-28 April 2018.

Included with the Registration Form is information about Conference Accommodation and information about travel to Waterford.
Should you have any queries about the arrangements for the conference, or have special dietary or other requirements,
please get in touch with Conference Organiser John Maher, email -
ACSI Council and the Conference Committee look forward to welcoming you to Waterford in April.
19th Biennial Conference of the Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland (ACSI)

19th Biennial Conference of the Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland (ACSI)
- CALL FOR PAPERS Extended to Friday 2nd February, 2018.

Click here for the Call for papers in English and click here for Francais.

19th Biennial Conference of the Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland (ACSI)
26th - 28th April 2018
Waterford Institute of Technology

Call for Papers:
Canadian Re-Generation(s)

Please address any general queries to Dr Julie Rodgers, ACSI President, email - or Mr John Maher, ACSI Treasurer, email -
We welcome submissions in French or English and the deadline for proposals is Friday 2nd February, 2018.
Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the Canadian Literature Journal themed
"Rescaling CanLit: Global Readings"

This special issue invites scholars of Canadian literature from around the globe to engage critically with any aspect of Canadian literary production, dissemination, or reception. Essays should implicitly bring to view the two-way direction of reading and writing Canadian literature globally, demonstrating the porosity of transnational scholarship as well as advancing innovative perspectives that may contribute to the rescaling of the field.
Submissions should be uploaded to Canadian Literature's online submissions system (OJS)
by the deadline of May 15, 2018.
43rd Annual Conference of the British Association for Canadian Studies (BACS)

43rd Annual Conference of the British Association for Canadian Studies (BACS)
19-21 April 2018
Senate House, London, United Kingdom
Call for Papers:
2018 - A Century Later: Memory, Remembrance and Change
For more information click here
Céad Míle Fáilte to the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

As president of ACSI, Dr Julie Rodgers was invited by Taoiseach Leo Varadkar to attend the State dinner in honour of the official visit of the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, to Ireland. The dinner took place in St. Patrick’s Hall, Dublin Castle on 4th July 2017 and was attended by representatives from the cabinet as well as the education, business, arts and culture and sports sectors.
Governor General’s International Award in Canadian Studies

Professor Maeve Conrick was awarded the Governor General’s International Award in Canadian Studies by the International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS) on 11th June 2017. The award recognises ‘a researcher who has made an outstanding contribution to scholarship and to the development of Canadian Studies internationally’. Professor Maeve Conrick is Professor and former Principal of the College of Arts and Humanities at University College Dublin and also past president of ACSI.

Photographed are Stewart Gill (Incoming President of ICCS), Professor Maeve Conrick,
Hon. Jim Kelly (Irish Ambassador to Canada) and Dr Julie Rodgers (President of ACSI).
Canada 150 - BACS Conference

Our president Julie Rodgers attended the annual BACS conference in London (Canada House) from 20th-22nd April 2017. As well as chairing a panel, Julie participated in a round table discussion on the topic of ‘Canadian Cultural Exports’. The conference theme was Canada 150.
New Book Title

ACSI is delighted to announce the publication of Conrick, Maeve, M. Eagles, J. Koustas, C. Ní Chasaide, (eds), (2017).
Landscapes and Landmarks of Canada, real, imagined, (re)viewed.
Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Cultural Studies Series, 286pp.
ISBN 13: 978-1-77112-201-6
Click here.
Click here for full size PDF

Untold Stories of the Past 150 Years (CFP)

Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation offers a pivotal moment not only to re-evaluate the dominant narratives that helped to shape Canadian national identity, but also to consider those narratives that, until recently, have been suppressed or held considerably less attention in public forums and debates. Many of the nation’s dominant stories and foundational myths offer a particular vantage point about the country's origins and development, which diminish or altogether marginalize other narratives--even as the latter have been equally crucial to how Canada has come to assume its current shape, politically, sociologically, and otherwise. This conference offers an interdisciplinary forum for the exploration of these untold stories, to nuance and complicate the record. It will give space for the further consideration of narratives that have only begun to attract national attention in the past couple of decades and that have yet to receive critical attention. The objective of this conference is therefore to consider what stories about Canadian history and national identity remain untold or only partially told--and to consider why?

There are some surviving narratives, for example, about the arrival of the Irish at Grosse Isle in the mid-nineteenth century (see, as one instance, the work of Susanna Moodie), but what other lesser known stories exist? Few are also familiar with how members of the Mi'kmaq Warriors Society have been arrested and incarcerated for their struggle against fracking, their ongoing assertion and exercise of nationhood, and the repression they have endured from police and courts. This conference will draw on stories such as these.

Untold stories may encompass (and extend beyond) Irish emigration to Canada and related nation-building narratives; the rise of Indigenous communities that have demanded greater accountability in socio-political interactions and the historical record; shifting gender politics that have showcased how public, socio-political, and legal arenas must address persistent inequities; women who need to be celebrated for their contributions to Canadian history, culture, or policy; missing and murdered Indigenous women; national policies that have a bearing on identity politics; the resurgence of environmental concerns that are often bypassed or repressed in favour of economic pursuits; socio-economic and class-based disparities; narratives about those by or about refugees and their descendants; histories of African-Canadians, including but not limited to stories of settlement after the Underground Railroad; narratives of diasporic formations in Canada; Japanese-Canadians, Italian- Canadian, German-Canadian and other immigrants' experiences of internment during Second World War; changes in government labour policy; competing regional and national identities; and the realities of multiculturalism in Canada and the history of immigration policy, in spite of the popular rhetoric that may otherwise seem to suggest the nation offers an ideal of tolerance towards differing races and ethnicities.

Abstracts for papers about such untold stories should be approximately 300 words in length and sent with 50-word biographical statements to the current Craig Dobbin Chair of Canadian Studies, Dr. Linda Morra (, and the Director of Canadian Studies, Dr. Paul Halferty (, by November 1, 2016, for a conference to be held through UCD, Ireland, on April 28-29, 2017. Potential conference presenters will be notified of their acceptance by mid-December, 2016.
Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland (ACSI)

18th Biennial Conference

Imagi/Nation: Canada Past and Future

Maynooth University, 13-14 May 2016
As Ireland prepares to celebrate the centenary of the historic events of 1916, it is timely to recall that the ensuing Constitution of the Irish Free State owes much to the Canadian Constitution, referencing that nation as a model in a number of its articles.

This conference will explore the multiple facets − political, economic, historical, geographical, linguistic, literary and artistic – of Canada as a nation defined not only by its past, but by a future conceived through diverse and ever-evolving representations of that past.  Possible topics might include:

•    Nation and commemoration
•    Nation-building and legislation
•    Mapping the nation
•    National identity/ies
•    Trans-national relations
•    The eco-nation
•    The future of nationhood
•    (Re)imagining the nation

Organising Committee:
Professor Michael Brophy, ACSI President
Professor Jane Koustas, ACSI and UCD Craig Dobbin Chair of Canadian Studies
Dr Julie Rodgers, ACSI Secretary

To download the programme click here.

To download the registration form click here.
L’Association irlandaise d’études canadiennes

18e colloque biennal

Imagi/Nation: le Canada, son passé et son avenir

Université de Maynooth, 13-14 mai 2016

Alors que l’Irlande se prépare à célébrer le centenaire des événements historiques de 1916, il est opportun de rappeler que la Constitution de l’État libre d’Irlande qui s’ensuivit doit beaucoup à la Constitution canadienne, prenant cette nation pour modèle dans plusieurs de ses articles.
Ce colloque explorera les multiples aspects – politiques, économiques, historiques, géographiques, linguistiques, littéraires et artistiques – du Canada tel qu’il se définit non seulement par son passé, mais par un avenir envisagé à partir des représentations diverses et changeantes de ce même passé. Parmi les approches possibles :

•    La nation et la commémoration
•    L’édification de la nation par voie de législation
•    La nation et ses espaces
•    Identité(s) nationale(s)
•    Relations trans-nationales
•    L’éco-nation
•    Quel avenir pour la nation ?
•    (Ré)imaginer la nation

Mikinaakominis / TransCanadas
Literature, Justice, Relation
An Interdisciplinary Canadian Literatures in English Conference
University of Toronto
May 25-27, 2017

Smaro Kamboureli, University of Toronto
Larissa Lai, University of Calgary

Please click here for further information.
“The Toronto School: THEN | NOW | NEXT”

October 14-16, 2016,
University of Toronto.

The Conference aims to bring together international scholars to engage in dialogue on the origins, rise, decline and the rebirth of the so-called Toronto School of Communication. Discussion will focus on its major figures, including Harold Innis, Eric Havelock, Northrop Frye, Marshall McLuhan, Walter Ong, Edmund Carpenter, among others. The Conference will also examine the extent to which the Toronto School has provided a legacy that continues to offer insight on crucial and systemic issues facing contemporary society across various disciplines.

The Call for Papers is available here. (Deadline for submission: June 30, 2016).
Thanks to the ongoing generosity of York University president emerita Lorna Marsden, the Robarts Centre for
Canadian Studies (RCCS) invites applications for the 2016-2017 Robarts Visiting Fellowship at York
University (Toronto, ON). The Fellowship is open to full-time (tenured or tenure-track) faculty members who
work on issues concerning Canada and who are based outside the country, are planning to go on sabbatical or
other leave during 2016-2017 and have demonstrated scholarly expertise on Canada and a commitment to
Canadian studies.
The Fellowship will provide the selected faculty member with $2500 in funding to cover travel and
accommodations costs while in residence*. Visitors will also be offered prime office space in the Centre for the
duration of the visit and they will have access to York Libraries. The Archives of Ontario and the Clara Thomas
Archives and Special Collections are also located on campus, and the Environment Canada Library is nearby.
Visitors will be expected to contribute to the academic life at the Centre by leading a workshop or seminar
connected to their research expertise. Visitorships will be at least one month’s duration. The Robarts Centre can
assist in arranging on-campus accommodation, if requested.
Priority may be given to scholars working in the one of the current main research areas at the Robarts Centre:
northern studies, black Canada, the environment, Indigenous studies or Canadian culture. Other approaches will
also be considered.
Application Process & Deadline
Researchers must supply the following as part of their application:
1. A current CV;
2. A statement of the research project and how residency at the Robarts Centre will facilitate this project (no
more than 500 words). Applicants should indicate their preference for timing. Normally, applicants planning to
visit between September and June will receive preference;
3. A letter of support from a current tenure-track faculty member at York University. This faculty member must
be an associate of the Robarts Centre
4. A letter of support from their Departmental Chair or Dean.
The deadline for consideration for this award is Feb. 29, 2016 (11:59 EST). Applications should be sent to the
Robarts Centre at

*Please Note: Visitors will be reimbursed for travel and accommodation related expenses
incurred, up to $2500, upon completion of the visit, in accordance with York University travel
reimbursement policy.
International Academic Conference on Canadian Studies:
Trudeau’s Foreign Policy
October 14 – 15
Call for Papers

The International Academic Conference on Canadian Studies: Trudeau’s Foreign Policy, organized by Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS), will be held in Guangzhou on October 14th – 15th . The conference aspires to explore Trudeau’s Foreign Policy from the perspectives Sino-Canada relations, US-Canada relations, Europe-Canada relations, etc.. The forum welcomes researchers in Canadian studies from across the world to participate.

The conference now cordially invites submission of papers within 5500 words, together with a brief narrative bio-note in English (50-100 words), contact information with the speaker’s name, affiliation, email address, and telephone and fax numbers. Please send emails to

The deadline for submission of papers in MS Word Format is August 30th, 2016. The Organizing Committee of the conference reserves the right to edit the paper if necessary. The submitted papers should be original and have not been contributed or published elsewhere.

Under the theme of “Canadian Studies: Trudeau’s Foreign Policy”, the topics for the conference include, but are not restricted to, the following overlapping categories:

A. Sino-Canada relations (In terms of politics, economy, diplomacy etc.)
B. Canada and Chinese “Belt and Road Initiate”
C. US-Canada relations (In terms of politics, economy, diplomacy etc.)
D. Europe-Canada relations (In terms of politics, economy, diplomacy etc.)
E. Canada’s relations with other countries or regions (In terms of politics, economy, diplomacy etc.)

All the finalized full papers will be carefully reviewed; official invitation letters and a Final Registration Confirmation Form will be sent by September 10th, 2016, to participants whose finalized full papers have been accepted by the Academic Review Panel of the Conference. Authors of the accepted full papers will have 15 minutes to present their work at the parallel sessions with 5 minutes for questions and discussion. Best papers selected by the Academic Review Panel of the Forum will be included in the Conference Proceedings to be published after the Forum.

The concrete time, place, agenda and other conference details shall be uncovered shortly. For more information about the Conference and Center for Canadian Studies, please login to website.

Please email your inquiries to:
The Organizing Committee of the Forum, GDUFS:
The McGill Institute for the Study of Canada (MISC) is accepting applications for the Eakin Visiting Fellowship in Canadian Studies for the Winter 2017 term.

The Fellowship is awarded for periods of one or two academic semesters to an active scholar focusing on studies related to Canada. It will be awarded to a scholar with a Ph.D., normally on sabbatical from their own academic institution. The position is open, in terms of rank and discipline, to a dynamic scholar who can enrich the study of Canada with fresh perspectives. The Fellowship may also be awarded to an individual outside of the academic community, whose writing, research or public career have made a significant contribution to intellectual life in Canada.

The Fellow will receive a stipend of $12,000 per semester and will be expected to teach one upper-year undergraduate seminar in Canadian Studies.

Please click here for complete application details.
Two new books have just been launched about Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, written by two Irish/Irish based scholars, Liz Doherty and Mats Melin.

The Cape Breton Fiddle Companion by Liz Doherty is an A-Z compendium of all things Cape Breton fiddle related. One With the Music by Mats Melin is about the Cape Breton step dance tradition.

Both books are published by Cape Breton University Press and were launched there during the Celtic Colours International Festival.

(NUI Galway, June 2015)
“It gives me great pleasure to launch the Digital Irish Famine Archive and “Saving the Famine Irish: The Grey Nuns and the Great Hunger” exhibit.  Both the digital archive and the exhibit commemorate and pay tribute to the Grey Nuns of Montreal and people of French and English Canada, like Bishop Michael Power in Toronto and Dr. John Vondy in Chatham, now Miramichi, New Brunswick, who gave their lives caring for Irish emigrants during the Famine exodus of 1847.  It is especially fitting that we launch the digital archive on this day, after Montreal’s Irish community has just made its annual pilgrimage to the Black Stone monument, which marks the site of the city’s fever sheds and mass graves for six thousand Irish dead, and before the Irish Famine Summer School begins at the Irish National Famine Museum in Strokestown, County Roscommon.  The stories contained within the digital archive attest to the selfless devotion of the Grey Nuns in tending to typhus-stricken emigrants and providing homes for Irish orphans.  In an age of increasingly desperate acts of migration, their compassion provides a lesson for us all.”

The Digital Irish Famine Archive can be found here.


Colloque "Le Québec dans les Amériques"

(Washington, 15 et 16 janvier 2016)

L'Association internationale des études québécoises organise son premier colloque de jeunes chercheurs en études québécoises et comparatives dans les Amériques sur le thème "Le Québec dans les Amériques." Le colloque se tiendra les 15 et 16 janvier 2016 à Washington, DC. Cet événement se déroulera en partie dans les locaux du prestigieux Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars et en partie à Georgetown University, nos institutions partenaires pour cette initiative.

À l'instar du colloque organisé par l’Association des Jeunes Chercheurs Européens en Études Québécoises (AJCELQ) en Europe, cet événement offrira aux jeunes chercheurs une occasion unique de partager, toutes disciplines confondues, leurs travaux récents sur le Québec autant comme société distincte que dans ses rapports aux Amériques. Les perspectives comparatives seront évidemment bien accueillies. Les communications pourront se faire en français ou en anglais.

De 20 à 30 participants seront retenus par un jury composé de professeurs et spécialistes sur la base d'un résumé de 200 mots et d'un curriculum vitae abrégé comprenant adresse, numéro de téléphone et adresse de courrier électronique. Les candidatures doivent être soumises avant le 14 septembre 2015. La ou les meilleures communications seront éligibles à une publication éventuelle dans la Revue internationale d'études canadiennes (RIEC), suite à un travail de révision et de soumission encadré par des spécialistes du jury. Le transport et les repas du midi seront pris en charge. Un hébergement à coût modique sera proposé aux participants.

Les chercheuses ou chercheurs de 3e cycle, de niveau post-doc, ou en emploi dans le milieu universitaire depuis moins de 3 ans sont cordialement invités à soumettre leur communication avant le 14 septembre 2015, à Madame Miléna Santoro, présidente de l'AIEQ et professeure à Georgetown University, à l'adresse courriel suivante:

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter le site de l'AIEQ (, sous "Colloques de l'AIEQ").


"Quebec and/in the Americas"

Washington, January 15-16, 2016

The AIEQ (International Association for Quebec Studies) is organizing its first conference for young researchers in Quebec and comparative studies on the theme of "Quebec and/in the Americas." The conference will be held on January 15 and 16, 2016 in Washington, DC, and will be hosted in two venues: at the prestigious Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and at Georgetown University, our institutional partners in this initiative.

Following the example of the annual conference of the AJCELQ (the Association des Jeunes Chercheurs Européens en Études Québécoises) in Europe, this conference will offer junior scholars the opportunity to share their recent work, from any and all disciplines, on Quebec as a distinct society within the Americas or on Quebec's complex relationship to its hemispheric context. Comparative approaches will be particularly welcome. Papers may be presented in either English or French.

Between 20 and 30 participants will be selected by a jury of professors and specialists, on the basis of a 200-word abstract and short CV, including contact information, to be submitted by the deadline of September 14, 2015. The best paper or papers will be eligible for publication in the International Journal of Canadian Studies, with individual mentoring for the revisions and submission process provided by one or two of the appropriate specialist(s) from our selection committee. Participant travel will be funded, as will midday meals and coffee breaks. The hotel accommodations, which are very reasonable, will be the responsibility of the participants or their home institutions.

All doctoral candidates, post-doctoral scholars, or junior faculty hired in 2012 or later are eligible to email a proposal by September 14th, 2015, to Dr. Miléna Santoro, President of the AIEQ and Associate Professor at Georgetown University, at Please visit the AIEQ website for additional information in the weeks to come (, under "Colloques de l'AIEQ").


(NUI Galway, June 2015)
“It gives me great pleasure to launch the Digital Irish Famine Archive and “Saving the Famine Irish: The Grey Nuns and the Great Hunger” exhibit.  Both the digital archive and the exhibit commemorate and pay tribute to the Grey Nuns of Montreal and people of French and English Canada, like Bishop Michael Power in Toronto and Dr. John Vondy in Chatham, now Miramichi, New Brunswick, who gave their lives caring for Irish emigrants during the Famine exodus of 1847.  It is especially fitting that we launch the digital archive on this day, after Montreal’s Irish community has just made its annual pilgrimage to the Black Stone monument, which marks the site of the city’s fever sheds and mass graves for six thousand Irish dead, and before the Irish Famine Summer School begins at the Irish National Famine Museum in Strokestown, County Roscommon.  The stories contained within the digital archive attest to the selfless devotion of the Grey Nuns in tending to typhus-stricken emigrants and providing homes for Irish orphans.  In an age of increasingly desperate acts of migration, their compassion provides a lesson for us all.”

The Digital Irish Famine Archive can be found here.

The Irish Journal of French Studies is now available online: click here.

ADEFFI  Association des études françaises et francophones d'Irlande
is now online: click here.

ADEFFI is also on Facebook.

Bridging Divides: Art & Design in Canada

From left to right: Professor Brian Foss (UCD Craig Dobbin Chair of Canadian Studies), Rosalind Pepall (former Senior Curator of Decorative Arts, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts), Dr Carol Payne (Carleton University), Professor Michael Brophy (President of ACSI), Dr Anna Hudson (York University), Professor Gerta Moray (University of Guelph), Dr Emily Mark-FitzGerald (UCD), Dr Charles C. Hill (former Curator of Canadian Art, National Gallery of Canada)

Please click here for order form.
Conference on Immigration and Identity in Culture and Society

Click here for final programme.

Craig Dobbin/ACSI event: Bridging Divides: Art & Design in Canada

Click here for details.

7th Triennial International Conference
of the Central European Association for Canadian Studies

9 – 11 October 2015, Zagreb, Croatia

Details here.

7ème conférence triennale internationale
de l'Association d'études canadiennes en Europe centrale

9 – 11 octobre 2015, Zagreb, Croatie

Details here.

Multiculturalism in the Canadian Context
14-15 April, 2016 Lodz, Poland

Click here for details

A Land Shaped by Water: Perspectives on Canada
Turku, Finland, Wed 12 – Sat 15 August 2015

Click here for details

BACS Annual Conference - Open Call for Papers

BACS celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2015 and to mark this auspicious occasion there is an open call for papers on topics related to Canada to be presented at the annual conference in London, 23-25 April.

Click here for details
Colloque international / Congrès Etudes Canadiennes
« Regards croisés : Canada - Europe »

« Cross cultural perspectives – Canada – Europe »

10- 13 Juin 2015
Université de Nantes

Click here for details

Canadian Studies @ UCD: Diversity and Dynamism

UCD Centre for Canadian Studies Distinguished Lecture Series, 2014

Mondays, Room K114, UCD School of History and Archives

@ 4.30 p.m.

13 October 2014:
Speaker: Dr Allan Blackstock, University of Ulster
Title: ‘From Monaghan to Montreal: Tyrone Guthrie and Canada, 1931-1952’
Chair: Dr Paul Halferty, UCD School of English, Drama and Film
3 November 2014:
Speaker: Professor Helen O’Neill, UCD Professor Emeritus
Title: 'Helping Others or Helping Themselves? Some comparisons and contrasts between the Canadian and Irish foreign aid programmes'
Chair: Professor Maurice Bric, UCD School of History and Archives
17 November 2014
Speaker: Professor Brian Foss, UCD Craig Dobbin Chair of Canadian Studies
Title: ‘“Let Him Paint Where He Can Dominate the Scene”: Tradition, Modernism and Autobiography in Paintings of Southern Ontario Landscapes, 1880-1914’
Chair: Dr Lynda Mulvin, UCD School of Art History

À l’occasion du Colloque bisannuel de l’Association irlandaise d’études canadiennes, la Délégation générale du Québec à Londres accorde à un(e) universitaire membre de l’Association, domicilié(e) en Irlande, un prix d’un montant de 1000 € , à utiliser dans le cadre d’un voyage d’études. Les candidatures, comportant un curriculum vitæ et un projet de recherche, doivent parvenir à la Présidente de l’association, Elizabeth Tilley, [] avant le 14 avril 2014. Le prix est destiné à récompenser et à encourager la recherche dans le domaine des études québécoises au sens large, comprenant les disciplines linguistiques et littéraires, ainsi que les sciences sociales (sociologie, histoire, sciences économiques &c.). Les thèmes contemporains (accent sur les problématiques actuelles) sont encouragés. Les candidatures seront évaluées par un comité formé de membres du bureau exécutif de l’association. Le prix sera remis au lauréat/à la lauréate à l’Hôtel Meyrick de Galway, à l’occasion du XVIIe Colloque de l’Association irlandaise d’études canadiennes, du 9 au 11 mai 2014.

Dr Elizabeth Tilley
Department of English
National University of Ireland, Galway
The Association for Canadian Studies in Ireland (ACSI) was established in May 1982. Its objectives are to support and encourage the study and understanding of Canada - its culture, history and institutions - and to foster and examine the connections and parallels between Canada and Ireland.

New members are welcome.

Please contact:
Dr. Máire Áine Ní Mhainnín (ACSI Treasurer),
Department of French,
National University of Ireland,

During the AGM in Galway elections were held for positions on the executive committee. I am delighted to announce that the President of ACSI from 2014 to 2016 is Dr Michael Brophy. Our new Secretary is Dr Julie Rodgers, and our continuing Treasurer is Dr Maire Aine ni Mhainnin. Congratulations and thanks to all for agreeing to take on these jobs.

Elizabeth Tilley

ACSI 2014 Conference Delegates on the way to the Aran Islands

At Dun Aengus on Aran
© 2024 The Association for Canadian Studies in Ireland. All rights reserved.